Hey, Let's Talk!

Backseat Border Collie wants to hear what you have to say. Feel free to leave comments, criticisms or a little scratch behind the ear (praise).

Also, we’re taking submissions for our readers’ border collie stories as well. Fill in the space for a short bio and we’ll try to get it added to our newsletter and archives. 

Remember, we want fellow border collie lovers to be a part of this website too. Any additions we can add, we’ll be happy to.


For blog (story) submissions, text is limited to 1,000 words on this form. If you need more room, let us know.

We love adding pictures of our readers’ border collies, but we can’t accept them here due to fleas (viruses). Please post them on our Facebook wall and we’ll get them added to your story and/or our Border Collie Buddies Gallery.

If you want credit (who wouldn’t?), please add your name, dog’s name, and a link address. Link address can be either a social media page or a website URL. We only ask, if you want a website link, please provide one for us on your site as well!

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